“I will rise to meet this day,
joining together with it in a dance of beauty and grace,
which carries us all forward to the best possible outcome.”
I have said this prayer/affirmation every morning for years. Through jobs I didn’t like, bosses who made me cry, stressful financial troubles, health problems, or deeply upsetting political events.
After the death of the love of my life last year, I slowly realized that I was looking for another reason to get out of bed in the mornings. The challenge of who I could be in each new day, of how I could heal and continue to live, sustained me during that dark time. And so, I keep putting this affirmation out there into the world on a daily basis.
I find it is a reasonable focus.
Rise to meet your day.
Rise to meet your future self. You don’t know who you will be yet.
Change is the only constant. Life is the experience of changes in every level of your existence. Some shifts come slowly; sliding so gradually that you do not realize what is happening until you find yourself utterly removed from what you thought you knew. Some changes happen so fast you don’t have time to digest or analyze them until much later. And so it goes.
I feel that we are moving, quickly and slowly, clumsily and gracefully, willingly and unwillingly; always forward.
What a gift it can be, to get your hands on that opportunity. To shape it, shift it, add and subtract parts of it? Amazing. The art of creating a healthier mind, body, society, and environment is breathtaking.
The times in which we live currently are interesting; like the old Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times”.
So how do you deal with it? How do you keep your head, deal with anxiety, keep your balance in the shifting landscape?
A lot of it has to do with how we choose to move through these challenges.
It’s like wading into the ocean—if you try to stand still, you will wear yourself out and get knocked over; but if you move with the waves, you will feel their energy as they move through you. You can use that energy, buoyancy, to aid you.
Rise to meet the changes.
A lot of things are breaking now. It feels chaotic and uncertain, but all of this is freeing up energy and ideas, and breaking the stalemate of old systems which no longer work well.
Look for the good things that are happening, focus attention on the possibilities beyond where we are now.
We can challenge ourselves to envision better things; we can share them, and assist others to think beyond the edge of the known universe which is the daily grind.
Some days you are tired. Let yourself rest and dream about new things to put out into the world, or nurture inside yourself.
Some days you will be sad, angry, frustrated. Find a channel to release that energy, such as exercise, or writing your painful thoughts on paper and (safely) burning them.
Imagination sees beyond what is, to what is possible, and then the mind can focus attention on making that happen. That way is hopeful. It gives us energy and interest, engages our curiosity and talents.
You don’t have to invent a solar battery or a flying car that runs on hydrogen fuel (don’t let me stop you if you have a good plan, though!).
Invent yourself.
Your future self.
Your possible self.
The future.
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